Together, we buzz louder! BeeQueen is dedicated to helping women's organizations secure €1 million in funding by 2027.

Women's organizations play a crucial role in driving social change but often face challenges in resources, visibility, and effective partnerships. BeeQueen is here to help you overcome these barriers.

We have a solution that offers an extensive range of services for women's organizations and business partners.

  • We offer women's organizations access to a global network of potential partners, expert advice on fundraising and project management, and opportunities for training and professional growth.

  • We assist business partners in identifying and vetting relevant women's organizations, developing partnership strategies, and tracking and measuring the effect of their collaborations.

Join us as we empower women's organizations to redefine social impact and leave a lasting legacy in the world.

What makes us unique?

Our unique Hyve platform is all about connecting, empowering, and boosting women's organizations to success!

At BeeQueen, we bridge the gap between women’s organizations and corporate partners, facilitating their cooperation, resulting in mutually beneficial relationships, and enabling them to collaborate, exchange resources, and grow their impact.